Top 8 Tips for a Tip Top Chest


How imagedo you build a monster chest to fill out your t-shirt? Well, to really build muscle mass and induce muscle hypertrophy, it’s all about incorporating multi-joint exercises into your chest routine. 

The chest is best stimulated and developed when it is fully stretched and flexed and targeted through movements designed to maximize development. For example, the upper chest is best stimulated from exercises done on a 30-45% incline bench, the middle chest is best stimulated from exercises done on a flat bench, and the lower chest is best stimulated from exercises done on a 30-45% decline bench.

      The exercises below will ensure that each part of your chest is targeted so you will have a chest that resembles the Austrian Oak himself! 




1. Wide Grip Flat Bench Press (barbell)


2.   Incline DB Press



3. Heavy Pec Deck


4. Heavy Dips 


5. Incline DB Fly 


6. Decline DB Bench Press 


7. Bent Arm DB Pullover 


8. Cable crossover 



The author of this article, Mehmet Edip is an internationally published fitness model and writer, actor and competitive athlete.

Be sure to watch his latest motivational video:


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