Repping For Real Results

I haveBYBBBB realized over the years that there is a big difference between, picking a weight up and repping to the high heavens, and actually isolating the muscle so you can get an incredible gain.

 There are actual stages of fatigue that are important to reach if you want to accumulate more muscle from your workout. Here is a brief breakdown of those levels of fatigue and what role they play in producing the sought after muscle growth.

Aerobic Phase - This 1st stage of muscle fatigue is very easy to achieve. Most can pick up a DB, rep it 5x to get here. The purpose of this stage is either to push through it immediately to Stage 2 Muscle Fatigue or to isolate this tight feeling and build up proper Muscle Memory. With this enhanced Muscle Memory, you can now properly rep heavier weight through the same range of motion for the same number of reps.

Lactic Acid Threshold - Stage 2 is where your Lactic Acid is released in order to clean out the scar tissue produced by the exercise and repair. This is what is happening when you feel what’s known as "The Burn". This stage, though painful, isn't activating any GH/Test response in the muscle as of yet.

Flex/Resistance (Going Anabolic)- This is Stage 3, where you’re once 20lb DB, now feel like 50lb DBs! I would highly encourage anyone trying to gain Lean Hard Muscle to rep as many as possible at this point. With your Growth Hormones & Test being activated, you are now pushing the body to gain the muscle you so madly desire.

Failure - Stage 4 is essentially ATP-CP deplete. When reaching this point in the muscle. You will no longer have the energy to produce movement. Thus temporarily failing.

As you work through your sets, a good number of them need to push to the Flex/Resistance Phase.  For ultimate growth 1-3 sets per exercise should REPPED to the Failure Phase.  If you REP the majority of your sets to the Flex/Resistance Phase and a good number to the Failure Phase, you will gain that sought after lean mass.

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