Fit at ANY Age


You2012-05-19 22-16-11 85 have that moment when you look in the mirror and the person staring back at you is old?  Yikes!  What happened?  The face once free of wrinkles now has crow’s feet around the eyes, the perfect hair is thinning or grey or both, and the bright eyes are now drawn and tired.  Perhaps all a bit dramatic, but nonetheless, there is no doubt, we are all facing the effects of aging.  I look at many of my peers who are in their late 30′s and 40′s…who have accepted age…and with it a sedentary lifestyle.  They have accepted the low energy, the beer gut, the fatigue, the soreness, the loss of agility.  Although we can’t waive the magic wand and push off the aging process for good, we can certainly make huge strides to ensure we can stay super fit and active while we age!  I’m 41 and in the best shape of my life…and I hope to continue to make great strides towards my health and fitness.  I know I can’t stop time, but I am determined to make sure that as I age, I look great, feel great, and have the energy I need to live a full life.

As we age, fitness tends to take on a new shape. Exercise routines once found merely challenging many now seem painful or even impossible by time we hit 35, 40, 50, or more.  It makes no difference if your male or female, active or not, sooner or later, age will have an effect on your body.

Some quick tips for the “masters” crowd (although good for anyone):

1) Stretch! – Stretching is critical to avoid injuries and increase blood flow. Stretching for at least 15 minutes a day and incorporating yoga is HIGHLY beneficial.

2) Vary all cardio with interval training to avoid the impact on joints

3) Eat at least 6 meals a day and avoid carbs with the last two meals

4) Eat your body weight in grams of protein or more per day to maintain muscle mass

5) Take your muscle preserving supplements:  Glutamine/Aminos, protein powder, super greens, omegas, pre workout, and multi vitamins

We can’t stop Father Time but we can slow him down and mitigate his effects!