Having a dislike for the “likes”


Stop facebook thumbs upme if this sounds familiar...
You get a friend request on Facebook from someone who you may not have met previously, but have a few mutual friends in common. You attempt to engage this person in conversation, perhaps to learn a little more about what they do. Yet instead of sending you a real response, you get the following:
LIKE my page please!!
Now imagine that a few months have gone by. You get another one sentence Facebook message from the same person.
Hi there! Please like my page.
Okay, so technically that was two sentences. But nevertheless you respond kindly to let this person know that you already have LIKED their page. Their response:
Oh ok thanks.
This is the exact scenario my friend Loretta Minett (one half of the Double Time Twins) recently went through. And let us be honest… she is not the only one getting these messages. My guess is, if you are reading this, you had a similar experience or probably more than you care to count.
I used to call it the Dashboard Complex, but now I prefer to call it the Dashboard Syndrome. Makes it sounds significantly worse – which it has gotten.
We as social media users become fixated on the numbers. How many LIKES do I have on my Facebook page? How many Twitter followers can I get? We look at our “dashboard” just waiting for the numbers to go up.
Let’s get philosophical and related it to the tree falling in the forest. Suppose you have 1,000 LIKES on your Facebook page, but no one is paying attention (apart from your mom who just figured out how to use Facebook), are you really achieving anything? Contrast that to someone with 100 LIKES who has an audience that is engaged in what they are doing. This comparatively small band of 100 followers are true evangelists. Sharing, commenting and really connecting. Who of the two has a greater impact?
Shift gears to Twitter. If you have 5,000 followers – but maybe less than 1% is reading or connecting with your tweets, is that as powerful as having 500 followers in which at least half are really following you? Doesn’t even come close.
So what is the remedy? Stop looking at the dashboard of numbers as points. Instead of focusing your time and energy pleading with people to LIKE this or FOLLOW that, put your energy into creating content that is worth liking or following. Spend that time connecting with your real audience. Give your audience a reason to care about whatever it is you are doing. That will send them back again and again. Sure a lot better than someone clicking a button once, only to never return.






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