How to Optimize Testosterone Levels Through Training and Nutrition


I find that optimization of testosterone is an extremely significant topic with regard to all males, whether they are high-level athletes, average men, or even young males in their teens and 20's.   Anyone who is concerned with their health and performance, both mentally and physically, should take note. Testosterone plays a tremendous role in behavior, disease prevention, physical strength, testosteroneOptimizesexual activity, libido, endurance, recovery, growth and so on. Although, testosterone levels naturally decline as men age (steadily after ages 35-40), there are ways to prolong the effect and regulate healthy levels as time goes by.


Studies have shown over the past few decades that testosterone levels in men have severely declined. Currently, there are more age-related diseases, cases of infertility, and depression than ever before occurring in men of younger ages! Because of the rising obesity issue in this country, more people have higher body fat levels which have been shown to decrease testosterone and raise estrogen levels. This creates a hormonal imbalance which can lead to many potential illnesses, decreases in muscle mass, increases in body fat, and worsening of brain and heart function. In the following paragraphs, I will share a few of the multiple ways that you canmake sure your that your natural testosterone levels are as high as possible (through weight training and nutrition) no matter what age you are.


As stated above, stay LEAN! Do your best to prevent high body fat levels. I would say anything more than around 12%-15%(max) is a bit excessive for males. A big problem that is getting worse and worse, is that people abuse food and eat way more than their body can handle. It has sort of become a hobby or a recreational activity, sometimes even a stress-reliever. It‘s not uncommon to want to “eat up a storm” after having a bad day or feeling stressed and tired. I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy your food (which you should), but it's important to look at the “big picture” when it comes to your goals in fitness, health, longevity, etc. Food is nothing more than fuel for your body to survive and perform as efficiently as possible, both mentally and physically. Your body is a machine, and if you expect a optimal output, you need to make sure the input is just as good, if not better. Research has shown that men who were on diets that included high amounts of monounsaturated fats have significantly higher testosterone levels than those who are not. It’s believed by researchers and scientists that monounsaturated fats have a direct effect on the testes. Foods like nuts, olives, olive oil, macadamia nut oil, and nut butters are great sources of monounsaturated fat. Be sure to include plenty in your diet.


If you don't already have a workout program that covers both weight training and some cardiovascular training, you should! It’s been show that weight training- -heavy compound movements such as squats, presses, rows, and dead lifts-- increase testosterone in men. Higher testosterone will enable you to maintain and build on your strength. Overall physical training stimulates the body to release endorphins and raise testosterone levels. But don't underestimate rest, recovery and sleep. If you train hard, intense, and often but do not leave enough time for your body to recover adequately between training sessions, your circulating testosterone levels can go way down by as much as 40%. Sleep is necessary for all people, but to athletes and bodybuilders it’ absolutely ESSENTIAL. If you have any desire to increase your muscle mass and burn fat, your testosterone levels must be optimal. This is why it’s so important to get enough sleep and make the most out of your recovery from all your daily doings.


To wrap it up... there has been a strong decline in testosterone in men in the past few decades. Men are becoming infertile at younger and younger ages, and there’s more widespread age-related diseases than ever before. There are many reasons why that could've happened. For one, more and more people are overweight, clinically obese, and tend to lack personal care for their health through nutrition and exercise. In this technologically advanced society, people are so preoccupied with computers and T.V. that there are almost no reasons to walk on your feet anymore. Optimal levels of testosterone in men are vital as they provide endless health benefits to the body. They can prevent many diseases and they are shown to increase lifespan and longevity. It's all about consistency!   If you have your nutrition, training, and recovery in check, you’ll more than likely get leaner and have higher testosterone levels. I hope these tips have helped you attain a better understanding on the matter and how you can best optimize your natural testosterone production and make the most of your health.

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