Greg Kovacs Dies at Age 44


Greg Kovacs 23Canadian Bodybuilder Greg Kovaks died today of heart failure at the age of 44.  "The Strongest Bodybuilder Alive" won his procard at the Canadian Nationals in 1996.

From Muscle Insider:

"During the late ‘90s, Greg Kovacs dominated the size and strength side of pro bodybuilding. With an off-season weight of 420 pounds, Greg towered over his competition, packing more mass on his frame than anyone in the history of bodybuilding. Greg’s arms measured over 25 inches, his chest 70 inches, and his legs a colossal 35 inches. Like his gargantuan size, Greg’s power was also unmatched. With a 700-pound bench press (for 2 reps), a 500-pound shoulder press, a 500-pound bent-over row, and a 2,025-pound leg press, Greg is still regarded as the strongest pro bodybuilder of all time! Throughout his career, Greg has lectured on sports nutrition and strength training to thousands of athletes all over the world, holding seminars in Hawaii, Australia, Spain, England, Greece, Germany, and Russia. Realizing his genetics made him more suited for size and power than symmetry and shape, Greg retired from competitive bodybuilding in 2005 to start his own business and coach competitive athletes."

Greg was a columnist at Muscle Insider and at Rx Muscle  - The Kovacian:  http://www.rxmuscle.com/articles/the-kovacian.html




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