P.J. Braun: The Other Fans



The popularity of bodybuilding as a hobby or “sport”, if you will, has grown considerably since Arnold madepj1 it cool to be big. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to see large guys walking around that take bodybuilding very seriously, and the level of muscle we see at the top of the competitive heap truly is amazing! Still, as a whole, bodybuilding is tiny compared to the NFL or MLB or even Soccer in the U.S. (in Europe; it’s huge), BUT there are still tons of adoring fans, groupies and also what I like to call, ”the other fans”.

“The other fans” are a group of individuals that love bodybuilders but in a strange “fetish” sort of way. For female bodybuilders these fans are known as “schmoes” and I‘m sure there are a few that post on www.rxmuscle.com regularly. These guys are into various forms of wrestling or being dominated by a large female bodybuilder, watching them crush things on webcam, or simply watching these ladies flexing. Typically these guys don’t look like they have ever stepped in a weight room in their lives and are often quite creepy looking! Picture a guy you wouldn’t want around your kids…or sister…or yourself for that matter! I have had to, on more than one occasion, politely remove a couple of these individuals from the SPECIES booth at the Arnold when they were getting a bit too creepy and making the woman feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, I have met some rather friendly “schmoes” that are really harmless and actually nice to be around…seriously.

pj2On the other hand, male bodybuilders have these strange fetish fans as well. It’s quite common for these guys to proposition bodybuilders with money to pose in their underwear, or less. I’m not kidding here; I was once offered 1,000 bucks to pose for 30 minutes and, much to the disappointment of people on the hate-boards, I have never accepted. Some of these guys will ask to buy your old sneakers, dirty gym shorts, or even dirty trunks. I have had guys ask me to literally beat the shit out of them. Yes, that’s right; on more than one occasion I have had men offer me money to beat them up! This is a huge part of our sport and some get it more than others. I happen to get quite a bit of “fan mail” from these guys and since I love all you peeps at www.rxmuscle.com, I want to share my all-time favorite one from my personal collection! What makes this my favorite is that it’s so ridiculous that I actually believe this person is 100% serious! Enjoy!

Hey whats up man. I found you up on facebook

You don’t know me dude, but I am emailing you because I was hoping we
could try and help each other out. This may sound crazy and weird, but
I was wondering if there is any possible way you can rip farts on my
face/head? Lol it sounds weird but it’s 100% true. I got a fart
fetish. And I’ve been looking for guys who want to get paid to rip
some farts on me. Do you want to make some money? Do you fart a lot?

I’m 26yo, white pretty normal. I’m just looking for someone who can
help me with my fetish and someone who can become buds with. I just
want someone to chill with me like 2-3 times a month and rip
some farts on me. That’s it. Nothing weird or sexual or anything. It’s
fn{sic} hard to find someone who farts a lot. That’s why I’m emailing you
out of the blue. I’ve had this fetish all my life. When I was a
teenager I used to wrestle a lot and my friends used to bust ass and
that’s how it started.

Anyways I would be willing to pay you for like 30-60mins of your time.
I am willing to negotiate with you. If you’re looking to make some cash
and get paid upfront and want to make some recurring income and meet
up 2-3 times a month, and you fart a lot, please get back at me. I can
easily get a hotel room near you so we can chill. I’m a completely
harmless and chill dude.

I know you don’t know me, but I’m sure we could help each other out.
I’m one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet and one of those guys that
you can have a beer with. I just want you to sit on my face and fart
and that’s it period. I’m a real respectful honest guy.

If you think we can work something out, please let me know. This is
100% real. I even paid guys before to just fart on me and I can easily
send you pics and prove I am real about this. I’m not a weirdo or
psycho bro, just a bud trying to meet up with a dude who’s willing to
chill with me and help me with my fetish. Just let me know how much
you want, and hopefully we can work something out.

Peace bro!

Well there you have it! I hope you enjoyed that one as much as I have. I have read that at familyfunctions and to buddies at the bar and in the gym, and it usually gets the same response: WTF!?

Remember, when you get into this thing that we call bodybuilding-- if you want to make a living doing this -- whether you’re contracted to a magazine or supplement company or even if you reach the pinnacle of the sport; it’s always about the fans… all of them!


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