The Multifaceted Nicole Ball!

Nicole Ball belongs to a select group of bodybuilders who, in truth, need never set foot on a bodybuilding stage again yet still be universally accepted as a champion within the community.

DSC_8805However, that being said, since turning pro in 2006, her competitive endeavors have been impressive enough for her always to be considered a threat in the pro ranks. As she currently prepares to return to competition at the PBW Tampa Pro, the anticipation is building as to what she will bring to the stage this time around. One thing is for sure, surprises are in store. In fact Nicole is a woman full of little surprises, as I discovered when I spoke to her recently about her life on and off the stage......


First of all...what have you been up to since we last saw you on the stage?

"Well quite a bit has been going on in my life. The last time I stepped foot on stage was the Olympia and since then I was asked to go over to India as a representative for the sport and an honorary guest. I visited an orphanage there and took goods to them and also opened up rights for women to feel comfortable in this lifestyle and gave direction on healthy eating and personal acceptance.  It was a truly amazing experience!

"Then, for the first time ever I was able to spend some time in New York training at Bevs' Powerhouse Gym  and attending a couple of the shows there. It was great and I hope these opportunities will continue for me.

And last but not least I just signed on with Species Nutrition an elite athlete...other than that, I have just been training and enjoying the special people in my life!"


In terms of your training, how do you find training in New York compared to training back home?DSC_8904

"Oh there is no comparison. The atmosphere and the people are just so different. The gym I belong to back home is great but it is not very supportive of bodybuilding. As I said, in New York I was training at Bev Francis's Powerhouse Gym and I just felt like it should be home for me."


Have you been doing anything different this off season as far as your workouts are concerned?

"Nah, my workouts really do not change. I just keep focused on my weak body parts and try to improve them for each show."


Where did you feel you needed to make the most improvement and how did you go about making that happen?

"I feel my back is probably my weakest body part. I wanted to fill out the rear delts and hopefully put a little thickness in my back."


DSC_9134You have also been working with Dave for the last couple of years, how did he change your approach to your diet?

"I was with a great trainer before Dave for my amateur career and we dieted on high carbohydrates. I did this for seven years but there came a point where I felt I needed a change. I needed to be full and hard in order to stand up on stage with the women at the top of the sport considering my size. So we decided to try the Keto diet."


Was this a difficult switch to make?

"No not at all... I got peanut butter!"


How do you feel it changed your physique?

"I feel that it has allowed me to keep a more complete look and a softer facial image on stage which I like very much. My body does not become so depleted nor does my face."


What are your thoughts on the women who have already qualified for this year's Olympia and who do you consider to be your biggest threat?

"Oh Gosh they are so amazing. I will always have so many to look up to in this sport.  In terms of my ‘biggest threat' I have to say that I don't feel I ‘threatened' by anyone but myself.  As every time I step foot on stage it is about my personal achievements and I can only be proud of what I've done."


What is happening with the cook book you were in the process of writing the last time we talked?

"Lol... here we go I get asked this all the time! What it comes down to is that I am a bit lazy! I hit a recipe here and there so it's a really slow process...........but I will eventually have everything together."


With so many things that you could feasibly be doing what inspires you to continue competing?

"In this sport we all know it is about personal achievements and goals. The road we choose to follow can be a difficult one to travel but once you have this sport in your heart it's worth the adventure. I would love toDSC_8784 continue to travel and represent this sport, get more coverage as a bodybuilder and work with orphanages and nonprofit organizations ..............so much can come from this sport if you open your mind and heart up to the gift we all share off the stage...the gift of giving ."


You do not compete as often as some of the other women, is there a reason for this?

"Truly I compete because I love the sport. I live the lifestyle of a Bodybuilder all year around and for me a show is not about how you place or winning a trophy it is all about personal achievement. I live to train and compete but I don't compete to live. At the end of the day my family life is the first and most important thing to me."


How is everything coming together for you regarding the forthcoming Tampa show?

"Things are good. The first four weeks my body stalled on me and I was actually gaining weight but like always it has started to come together and I will be ready. You can be sure of that!"


With the diet getting tighter and tighter at this point, what are you most looking forward to having once the show is over?

"Hmm............Pancakes for breakfast and steak and baked potato for supper.......and a homemade brownie I make (Cookie if you ask Sean)...lol!"


Tell us some things about Nicole Ball that may surprise us?

DSC_8999"Oh Gosh I don't know........I like to shoot things!  I was raised a farm girl and guns were used for play time......gophers, birds, coyotes...heck whatever moved! When I was growing up we hunted for most of our food."

"I was a vegan turned meat lover once I started bodybuilding

"I had three older brothers so growing up I decided to pee on the toilet seat when I was about nine so I could watch my dad give them the strap cause none of them would or could confess to doing it... and my dad did not put up with lying.  I may have been cute but I was a little bugger!"


Finally, if you could put together a shopping list of the things you would most like to have in your future life what would be on that list?

"Happiness, family, personal acceptance and love, health, faith and dogs...lol!

"Also direction in goodness.....helping orphanages, homeless shelters, people who just need someone there for them.

"Oh yes...and being able to travel a lot!"


To find out more about Nicole visit her website at www.nicoleball.com

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